Drakos & Selinitsa Cave system. Mesinia
One of the two entrances of the underwater cave of Drakos. -
A huge stalagmite in the entrance of the cave, proof that today’s undersea zone, once stood above the sea level. -
Drakos cave begins to develp. -
The south entrance/exit as seen by the exiting diver. -
The point where the cave begins to develop. -
Part of Selinitsa dry cave. -
Magnificent paths in Selinitsa cave, that engrave on the mind of the visitor. -
One of many Stalactite curtains decorating Selinitsa’s cave. -
Beautiful and rare elictites in Selinitsa’s cave. -
Two hundred and fifty meters from the entrance the divers encounter the gkour, with its unique elictites. -
Lefteris Koytalas secures the line. -
The mapping of Drakos, result of many old expeditions. -
Undersea cave of Drakos, promises amazing experiences and a great dose of adrenalin. -
Interior decoration in Selinitsa. -
Drakos cave and Selinitsa